1-1-1 mission

Supporting 2023-2024


This year's "Dollar for Missions" has been designated by the English District to help the new LCMS Campus Ministry at Eastern Washington University in Cheny,Washington led by Pastor Marc DiConti.


Second mission is the Nuer Language (South Sudanese) MInistry at the Church of St. Mark-Lutheran in Mississauga, Ontario led by Pastor Philip Gai.



Thank you to all those who joined in supporting our two 1-1-1 identified missions this past year. One dollar, placed into your congregation’s collection receptacle, gathered with all the dollars from individuals in other congregations across our district has raised $31,653.62. 


“Many doing little can accomplish much.” 


This amount gathered has been distributed 50/50 between the Church of St. Mark – Lutheran: Nuer Congregation in Mississauga, ON and Eastern Washington University LCMS-U, connected to Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church in Hayden, ID.  

Pastor Philip Gai, associate pastor at St. Mark, writes: “The Nuer-speaking fellowship at St. Mark’s is composed of dedicated and faithful members who worship every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The worship service format is similar to the 11:00 English service, which uses the Lutheran hymnal, but here, we use the Nuer hymnal and Bible. While working full time, I lead the Nuer service. During the week, I continue with the ministry by returning calls, visiting the sick and homebound, and praying with those who need prayers on the phone. Sometimes, I must leave work to attend to those needing pastoral care. 


I would like to acknowledge the excellent support I continue to receive from our Nuer and English congregation. Without their support, I don’t know how I would continue to do this ministry.” 

Pastor Marc DiConti, associate pastor of Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church assigned to campus ministry, shares: “Friday, September 27, LCMS-U hosted an ‘exhibit table’ at Eastern Washington University's largest student body event – ‘Neighbor Fest.’ I engaged 100+ students, and 80 of them took our 6-question Bible quiz. I ran out of the quizzes, or we'd have given more. They were enticed to take the quiz knowing they could pass with a 50% chance of winning a prize. The quiz was a great way to meet new students, discuss Jesus, share that ‘absolutes’ and ‘truth’ do exist, and it served as a means to invite them to our weekly gatherings for ‘Christianity101’ teaching, discussion, singing, and free lunch. It was especially heart-warming to reconnect with numerous students from last year, some who never came to our home gathering but remembered receiving our weekly campus cider serving on 'Warm Wednesday'.” 

Through the gifts of 1-1-1 during the 2023-2024 collection season, both these missions received significant additional support which they will use to strengthen their outreach to those still outside of a living relationship with Jesus, our only Savior. 


Again, a BIG thank you for the 31,653 times a member or friend of our district placed a dollar in the 1-1-1 container at their congregation. 


Coming soon: announcement of the 2024-2025 identified 1-1-1 recipient missions.  



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