K9 Comfort Dog 


Happy New Year  May each of you enjoy a Healthy and Happy New Year!!!.

In November I was commissioned as the new Ministry Dog for Prince of Peace congregation.   I will try my best to carry on with the shining example that Rhoda set. Thank each and every one of you for the support that you have given this ministry.   It is not inexpensive to maintain a Ministry Dog. I do want to assure you that there is rarely a day that I do not bring the love of Jesus to someone who needs it that day.

On average, I make a minimum of ten visits weekly and each visit averages about two hours.. Many of these are within the Froedtert system – at the hospitals, office

buildings, clinics, etc. I also visit assisted living facilities, schools, etc. I am most happy to make private visits of members or anyone you know that could use a friend. Please let one of my handlers know if you would like a visit. You can also keep up with my visits by checking out “Sophie Ministry Dog” on Facebook

BTW – Do you know what a dog and a cellphone have in common? (answer at


Here is one example of the comfort that goes to those we visit. There is a staff member at West Bend hospital that knows me. It just so happened that she had to be admitted and I got to visit her. She burst into tears when I came – she had put her own dog down just the night before. She was so very happy for hugs!!


(A dog and a cellphone both have collar ID!)










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