We utilize the Divine Worship Services found in The Lutheran Hymnal changing the format throughout the church year. Thursday evening services, offered at 6:30pm. for those unable to attend the following Sunday held at 9:00am. Holy Communion is offered at each service. The weekly bulletin, sermon and prayers will be in PDF format and available through the email list. Sunday morning Bible class offered after the 9am service, approximately 10:15am in the Fellowship Hall. 




. You will be given a bulletin which you are asked to take home. Please fill out a registration card available on the table in the narthex. Offerings and registration cards are to be placed in basket provided.Gifts for 1-1-1 missions placed in box provided (red envelopes available). 

 If you feel more comfortable attending a less crowded service, Thursday evening service is a suitable alternative for you.

 COMMUNION: Communion is provided at the communion rail. Common cup (first and third Thursdays/Sundays)  and  individual cups will be offered. Those with mobility issues can remain seated - please inform usher or pastor prior to service and communion will be brought to you.




 In the event the service must be cancelled due to inclement or dangerous weather conditions, notices will be given via TV and on radio on the following stations:


 WTMJ 4/ FM94.5


 WITIFox 6


 WISN 12


 CBS 58



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