Lay Ministry


Proposal for Prince of Peace to create a position of "Outreach Worker"

Prince of Peace was born asamission church, and webelieve its members have always embraced the call to continue to bring others to Jesus. The very first line of our Constitution is"Organizing around the Great Commission". Ou rmembers take pride in being known as a"welcoming,friendly church". We are happy when people visit our church, and even much happier when some become members. But we are very conscious of the tremendous unmet need in ourc ommunity for many more people to be told the Good News. Our congregation has been given many blessings, not the least of these is a favorable financial situation. However, it would be fair fo rus to ask ourselves what are our plans for this money;are we in fact being good stewards of the talents entrusted to our care as we wait for our master to return? The congregation will create and fill a position of Outreach Worker to assist the Pastor; primarily with the goals of raising our visibility in the community, having more people join us in fellowship, increasing our membership, and helping to strengthen the commitment of the existing membership. We do have some volunteers from the congregation that are willing to help and we could use more.

For more information and application, please email church office at: office.popmf@gmail

Subject line - outreach worker




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