Pastor's Notebook

 Dear Friends in Christ,

It has been about one year since we began looking at the TV drama “The Chosen,” for Sunday morning Bible class. We have just finished the first three seasons. Now, we will take a break from this watching and discussion. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the drama at a very in-depth level. Many of you came to watch and discuss it. I must admit, I wasn't a fan of the very first episode, but the series became progressively better and better. It led to some interesting discussions and theological insights, especially as to how the disciples relate to one another, and what it means and how it might look when one becomes a follower of—a believer in—Jesus.

            Granted, there is extra biblical “license” because it is a drama. Yet, I didn't see anything that contradicted any revealed teaching, nor taught anything extra-biblical as part of Christian teaching. I do hope the drama will lead more people into reading and listening to God's Word, especially the Gospels. All the questions like, “is that in the Bible?” can be easily discovered!

            So, what will we study after “The Chosen?” For the months of July and August we will do shorter things. The first thing we will do starts on July 7h. We will watch and listen to a dramatic presentation of the Gospel of Mark. This presentation was done by some professors of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (CSL) and pastors in that area. It is “word for word” Mark's Gospel. So, if some didn't like the fact that “The Chosen” added to biblical accounts, this is nothing but the biblical words!

            On July 7th we will watch and listen to one hour. On July14th we will finish the Gospel, and that will take about 1 hour and 15 minutes. So, please plan to spend a little extra time that morning. July 21st there will be no Bible study, as something else is being planned for that time after the Divine Service. However, on July 28th we will get together and discuss what it was like for you to hear the whole gospel. Especially, if you've seen “The Chosen” this type of hearing may give you insights with which to compare.

            I do hope many of you can come, see, and listen! So often we do not take the opportunity to hear the Scriptures in large sections. Throughout history, it was by hearing that most of the Scriptures were received by most of the people. The Scriptures also say, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). And, most of the Scriptures were written down to be heard. That is, they were written with an “oral” style.                          (Continued on page 2)

The translation principally used for this presentation is by one of the CSL professors, Rev. Dr. James Voelz. He is one of the leading scholars in the world on this Gospel. He says, “Allow yourself to hear the Gospel of Mark and to be confronted by it orally. It is not that silent reading is wrong, but such a reading will not reveal to you the depth of beauty and drama of this outstanding Gospel.”

            Above all, this prayer, which was recently prayed and heard in church as the prayer of the day, summarizes how we approach the Holy Word of God:

Blessed Lord, You have caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them that, by patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Blessings in our LORD, who speaks the Good News to us and teaches us to pray!

Pastor Engler






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