Pastor's Notebook
Dear Friends in Christ,
The next book of the Bible that we will study on Sunday mornings is Revelation. The Greek word for that book is “Apocalypse.” Now, “apocalypse” in English conjures up something different than “Revelation.” Certainly, the last book of the Bible talks about the destruction of the world/cosmos. This world will be brought to an End by God Himself. And, there is an urgency in the book to understand this and to live accordingly. But, “apocalypse” etymologically means to “uncover” something.
Revelation is not primarily to “uncover” secrets heretofore unknown—as many false teachers of this book promulgate. Rather, it is to call Christ's people to repentance and faith and a joyful confidence, especially in hard times (which seem to be all the time). And, to pray to our ascended and reigning Lord, “come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20) even as we live as His witnesses here on earth, until He answers that prayer.
Through the visions of St. John the Apostle, which he wrote down, the church is given a glimpse of history, primarily from the time of Jesus' ascension into heaven until the End, when He returns. The book of Revelation is most likely the last book of the Bible to be written, and it is at the end of the Bible to show that nothing further would be revealed by God until Jesus returns. It is the culmination of the entire Bible story of salvation through Jesus—prophesied in the Old Testament, incarnated in the flesh, crucified, died, resurrected, ascended and coming again. The destruction of the old cosmos/world will be replaced by a new heaven and a new earth, in which the righteous-by-faith will dwell with their Righteous God and Savior.
So, Jesus is at the heart of this book as He is the heart of the Bible. He rules and reigns as Lord of all. The outcome of all of History is never in doubt. Though the church on earth struggles and undergoes persecutions of all manner, and is in a battle between good and evil, His Church carries on the mission given to it by Christ, until it is completed. It is a glorious future for Christ's Church—His people. Ultimately, Revelation is a book of hope and one of encouragement!
Here's my encouragement to you to attend this Bible study. We start September 22. I quote Revelation 1:3:“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this
prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it,the time is near.”
Come and be blessed by these Words! Be prepared by these words for what is to come, and so prepared, be a blessing for others.
In our crucified, risen, ascended, reigning and coming again Lord,
Pastor Engler